Troubleshooting the performance of your application

Kanzi provides different means of measuring the performance of your application and displays various performance parameters. Use these means and parameters to improve the performance of your application.

Viewing the application performance in Kanzi Studio

To analyze the performance and inner structure of your application in Kanzi Studio, in the Preview click to enter the Analyze mode, right-click , and select:

Viewing the overall performance

To view the overall performance of your Kanzi application:

See Application configuration reference.

Viewing the animation and layout performance

To view the animation and layout performance of your application:

See Application configuration reference.

Viewing the graphics performance

In the C++ application in the onConfigure() function you can enable Kanzi to print to the debug console this information about the graphics performance of your application:

See Graphics performance logging.

Viewing nodes that are rendered into texture

Switching between framebuffer objects can cause significant performance reduction on some platforms. Conditions when Kanzi renders a node into a texture can be complex. For example, rotation, scale, or opacity can cause render to texture to occur.

To see whether a node is rendered into a texture, and causing a framebuffer object switch, in the Preview click to enter the Analyze mode, right-click , and select Framebuffer objects.
The Preview highlights the layers that are rendered into texture with transparent, orange stripes.

Viewing nodes using alpha blending

In Kanzi Studio you can see which 2D nodes in your application use alpha blending and as such show the content behind them.

To view in the Preview the 2D nodes that use alpha blending in the Preview click to enter the Analyze mode, right-click , and select Transparency.
The Preview highlights the translucent areas with transparent, blue stripes.

See also

Application configuration reference

Reducing shader switches

Setting nodes for efficient rendering

Rendering best practices

Animations best practices

Best practices

Finding invalid project items